
Integrative primary care

Primary medical care that combines individualized, evidence-based, certified functional medicine approach that empowers patients to work together with their practitioners to address underlying causes of disease and promote health and wellness. 

The Approach

Woman with dark hair facing away from the camera with both arms up artfully above her head. Both her garment and background are a light neutral brown color.


The process requires understanding of each patient's lifestyle, genetic disposition and biochemical factors to direct a personalized treatment plan that can generate positive patient outcomes.

Closeup image of a root system growing across a reflective surface

Addressing the root

We address the root cause of their disease rather than focusing on symptoms. Through this process we can provide individual care to a specific disease process and promote healing.

a bed of daisies with someone bending down to hold them delicately in their palm without disrupting them

patient centered

We shift away from the traditional disease centered focus of medicine to practice a more patient centered approach.

Functional medical providers use an upstream approach looking at the complex interactions in the patient's history. Through this process we identify predisposing events, triggers and contributors to disease.

Image of a tree taken from the bottom up, a corwn of dense leaves and sunlight beaming from between the branches.

the whole picture

The healing process begins by addressing the internal mental, emotional and spiritual health along with the physical body and social environment. 

We address a person's modifiable lifestyle factors which include focusing on stress reduction, sleep, nutrition, movement and fostering positive relationships. 

Pestle and mortar with herbs inside it and around the base.


We use a combination of prescribed medications, botanical medicine, supplements, detoxification treatments and lifestyle changes to reach optimal health.

This approach empowers the patient to continue a lifelong journey of physical and spiritual wellness.  

Empowerment through gut health

Enjoy our four-part blog series on the Gastrointestinal System

Chad Brown standing in the redwood forest in hues of brown and green. He's wearing a suit and tie with the stethescope draped around his neck and a peaceful smile on his face while looking directly at the camera.

Making mistake after mistake

I walk the unmistaken path

Forgetting again and again

I rely on unforgetting mindfullness

Experiencing confusion after confusion

I seek out the unconfused true nature

-Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche